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Embracing Imbolc: A Ritual For Renewal

We have a gorgeous ritual day approaching on 1 August, so I thought I’d share some magical ideas with you to tune into this beautiful time of year. The traditional date is 1 August, but the exact day this year is 7 August at 10:15 am, so we have a whole week to work with this energy. In Australia, our Wheel of the Year celebrations are opposite to those up north, where they are getting ready for Lammas.

As the days begin to lengthen and the wattle starts to bloom, we welcome Imbolc, the midpoint between the winter and summer solstice. This celebration marks the return of light, renewal, and the promise of spring. Perhaps you have already noticed a few blossoms around and new shoots peeping through the soil. Here’s how to create a sacred ritual to honor this special time of year:

🌸 Suggested Flowers:

• Lavender and Snowdrops are my preference.

🍶 Food:

• Dairy of any kind; I will be making Lavender Moon Milk.

• Bread is also on the list of traditional foods, as is potato.

🕯️ Candle Colors:

• I use white, but to work with triple goddess energy, you can also include red and black.

💎 Crystals:

• Amethyst

• Bloodstone

• Clear Quartz

🎨 Craft:

• Make a St. Brigid’s Cross.

• Create a Lavender Wreath.

📚 Read/Study:

• Explore the stories and symbolism of St. Brigid, who is honored at this time.

🔮 Activities:

• Divination: You can use cards, runes, or messages from nature.

• Journaling

📜 Journaling Prompts:

1. “What new beginnings am I welcoming into my life with this returning light?”

2. “In what ways can I invoke the energy of renewal and inspiration?”

3. “How can I nurture my own growth and renewal in the coming season?”

Each morning, consider lighting a white candle and spending a few moments in quiet reflection, setting your intentions for the day. End your day with a cup of warm milk or a dairy treat (good excuse for chocolate!) giving thanks for the abundance in your life.

Embrace the energy of Imbolc and allow the light of renewal to illuminate your path.

Don’t forget, you can always message me if you have any questions! I’d love to see images of your altar as well, so you can send them to me or tag @the_awen_room on Instagram so we can share!

Blessed Be,

Angie x

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