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New Moon In Aries Intuitive Spread


You may or may not know that I am an astrologer!

I feel very excited about the current new moon and even though this happened yesterday the energy of the moon is still around for another couple of days, so I felt drawn to share an intuitive spread with you today.

This months new moon is '0' degrees in Aries, it is the absolute beginning of a new cycle, the very first cycle of the new Astrological year and the surrounding planets make this an auspicious time to plant the seeds of transformation. More than any other new moon of the year. Also falling on Autumn Equinox.. Amazing!

Aries is calling us to action and the opposition of Pluto means huge change. You are being called to express your power honestly and openly, in order to transform. But be careful not to act too inpuslsivley. Work with the precision and planing of a well trained soldier.

I have pulled a card for you from my Mumushka Oracle (designed by me) deck to use as intuitive guidance today alongside the moon, this card is asking you to EMBRACE HAPPINESS... Ask your self why have I been resisting laughing out loud? Why do I stifle joy? Why can I can I not see humour as brightly as I could? Then... Shake it of and invite joy into your life. Watch a funny movie, have a giggle with friends, do a silly dance. And if you are reading this saying, oh I don't really do things like that.. then this is for you!

So it is time to brush down your alters, set your intentions, light your candles, journal what resonates with you this new moon! Enjoy!

Have a beautiful day everyone.

Blessed be


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Unknown member
Mar 24, 2023

Great thank you 🙏 I need a good laugh xx and that’s so interesting that your an astrologer. Do you do readings too?

Jess x

Unknown member
Mar 24, 2023
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Yes I do, birth chart readings. I can also include extra consults around points in the chart combined with holistic counselling.


Unknown member
Mar 22, 2023

Amazing awareness there Laura! Aries can be quite impulsive. They are Lao very good at tactical approaches, so slowing down and planning is a great idea for you 💙


Unknown member
Mar 22, 2023

My Sun, Moon and Mercury are in Aries, so I'm feeling a big surge of the energy from this New Moon! I shall definitely make sure to not be too impulsive!

As for the joy and happiness, I can definitely get into that! 😊 ☺️

Thank you Angela for sharing this!

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