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Unlock the Magic of the 2024 Lionsgate Portal

Have you felt a surge in spiritual, magical, or intuitive energy lately? This might be the reason why! For me it has been huge, and it has really amped up my spritual practice.

The Lionsgate Portal, which peaks on August 8th (8/8), is a powerful cosmic alignment between the Leo Sun, the star Sirius, the pyramids of Egypt, and Orion's Belt. This alignment creates a potent gateway of energy, amplifying our spiritual growth and manifesting abilities.

What is the Lionsgate Portal?

The Lionsgate Portal is an annual astrological event that occurs when the Earth, the star Sirius (the brightest star in the sky), and the Sun in Leo align. This creates a powerful surge of high-frequency energy that we can tap into for personal transformation and spiritual awakening. (Can you believe they say it also lines up perfectly with the Pyramids in Egytpt!)

How to Tap Into This Energy

To align with the Lionsgate energy, focus on your heart’s desires and set clear intentions. This is a perfect time to meditate, journal, and visualize the reality you wish to create. Remember, as Einstein famously said, “Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality.”

Goddess to Work With

Consider working with the goddess Isis during this time. As an ancient Egyptian goddess of magic and wisdom, she embodies the transformative energy of the Lionsgate Portal and can guide you through this powerful period.

Daily Practice/Ritual

Meditation: Find a quiet space and meditate on your intentions. Visualize a bright light from Sirius entering your heart, filling you with pure energy.

Journaling: Write down your goals and dreams as if they have already happened. Feel the emotions of having achieved them.

Crystal Work: Use crystals like clear quartz, citrine, or tiger’s eye during your meditation to amplify the energy.

Nature Connection: Spend time in nature, especially under the night sky, to connect with the celestial energies.

Chakra Focus: Pay special attention to your Heart Chakra (Anahata). This chakra, associated with love and compassion, can help you align with your deepest desires and the universal energy flow.

Simple Ritual to Harness the Lionsgate Energy

  • Light a candle and place it in front of a mirror. Reflect on your intentions and visualize them manifesting in your life.

  • Hold a piece of clear quartz in your hands and repeat an affirmation like, "I align with the highest energy and manifest my desires with ease."

  • Close your eyes and envision the light of Sirius connecting with your Heart Chakra, expanding your capacity for love and connection.

As the Leo Sun aligns with Sirius and the pyramids, imagine the ancient wisdom and cosmic energies flowing through you, helping you align with your highest potential.

Dates to Remember

  • Peak Energy: August 8th (8/8)

  • Alignment Window: July 26th - August 12th

Embrace this magical time and let the Lionsgate Portal guide you to a higher alignment with your spiritual and intuitive energy.


Thank you for joining me on this journey through the Lionsgate Portal. For more insights and practices on holistic living, follow me on Instagram @the_awen_room. Share your experiences and altar images by tagging me—I’d love to see how you’re tapping into this cosmic energy!

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