The night sky has been glorious over the past couple of evenings. Each night before bed I have been drawn to stand outside with my dressing gown on in the frosty air and gaze in awe and wonder.
The current full moon is in Scorpio and this brings an end to the eclipse season. It also calls us to take a moment to reflect on the world around us with a particular focus on our close relationships.
The key points right now are to create space between action and reaction and think before you speak. Emotions might be running high, and perhaps this is not easily witnessed. It may be a deeper emotional current bubbling and waiting to come to the surface. This can be both uncomfortable and incredibly freeing.
In conversation know that it is important right now to honour your both your feelings and the feelings of your partner/close friend. Saturn is calling for a little restraint, and organisation in our communication.. the big thing here is LISTENING.
You might find that something that you have been working on, particulary in the realm of lifestyle choices is coming to an end. This is an auspicius time to send it on it's way. This might be a toxic pattern of unhealthy behavior that has been cycling for sometime. Now is better then ever to finally move on and jump of the merrygoround for good. There is a couple of weeks for you to gather what you need to support you on this new healthy journey.
Scorpio is a wonderfully reflective water sign, you might feel drawn to create a lovely ritual involving water this full moon. A few ideas might be,
Soak in a deep warm bath of essential oils, flowers and herbs. Close your eyes and enjoy the feeling for submersion.
Write down on a piece of paper all that you want to release, take it to a body of water and release it to be carried away.
Make a lovely pot of herbal tea and put it in a thermos. Take it to a stream or lake and sip it slowly and mindfully. You might also like to take your journal and free write anything that comes up for you.
I'd love to hear you experiences, around any rituals you create or what resonates with you here. Don't feel as though you miss out if you don't have time to do this today, the energy of this full moon is quite strong and have a few days to work with it.
Blessed be